The RSA Conference Recap Report by The Readable was just published. The Readable thoroughly covered the RSAC 2022 in person, attending 20 keynotes and track sessions. The Readable extracted keywords and key messages from the world-leading event, which can help our readers to understand the current cybersecurity landscape and to make better decisions in the future.
Along with this report, The Readable also included must-read articles that we produced during the event. It encompasses the opening and closing keynotes. The world cybersecurity community is embracing diversity by considering various topics that were not thought to be in the cybersecurity realm in the past, such as misinformation on social media. We believe that The Readable contributes to the very topics of diversity and the veracity of information by delivering quality journalism to our readers. Enjoy our report.
The report was updated on July 6. Minor errors were corrected. Photos were rearranged and new photos were added for better understanding.