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Privacy expert urges unified approach to generative AI regulation across APAC

Josh Lee Kok Thong, Managing Director of the Future of Privacy Forum’s (FPF) APAC office, delivered a speech during the seminar held in Seoul on Thursday. Photo by Kuksung Nam, The Readable.
Josh Lee Kok Thong, Managing Director of the Future of Privacy Forum’s (FPF) APAC office, delivering a speech during the launch event of a report titled “Navigating Governance Frameworks for Generative AI Systems in the Asia-Pacific” held in Seoul on Thursday. Photo by Kuksung Nam, The Readable.

by Kuksung Nam

May. 24, 2024
7:12 PM GMT+9

On Thursday, a privacy expert from a global non-profit organization emphasized the importance of a coordinated approach to developing regulatory frameworks for generative artificial intelligence technologies across the Asia-Pacific region.

Josh Lee Kok Thong, Managing Director of the Future of Privacy Forum’s (FPF) APAC office, unveiled the findings of a year-long study on the governance and regulation of generative AI systems in APAC countries. This disclosure occurred during the launch event of a report titled “Navigating Governance Frameworks for Generative AI Systems in the Asia-Pacific” in Seoul, co-hosted by the South Korean law firm Lee & Ko, with support from the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC).

The managing director delved into the AI governance frameworks of five countries—Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea—and emphasized the importance of interoperability across jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific region. According to their analysis, these countries have adopted soft laws in the form of voluntary frameworks centered around ethical principles. The expert highlighted an emerging consensus on these principles, noting that most frameworks share eight key components, including accountability, privacy, explainability, and transparency.

Despite the strong preference for soft laws, the managing director noted that countries like South Korea and China plan to implement hard laws, such as binding legislation and regulation on AI. Australia, Singapore, and Japan are also considering their own regulatory approaches for emerging technologies. The report warned that if policymakers continue to develop frameworks in isolation, it could lead to complexities and inconsistencies in data protection levels across countries, potentially hindering the benefits of AI innovation.

“Interoperability is key because we are observing a divergence in the governance frameworks of various regions. (…) We are still exploring ways for these different approaches to harmonize. Ultimately, these technologies must function across borders. AI doesn’t operate solely within South Korea or Singapore. To fully harness the benefits of AI, it must operate across borders in a manner that is trusted, safe, and responsible,” the expert emphasized.

The report launch event coincided with the 2nd AI Summit, held in Seoul from May 21 to 22, co-hosted by South Korea and the United Kingdom. Additionally, South Korea’s privacy regulator and the UN AI Advisory Body (AIAB) convened a conference on May 23, titled “Global Perspectives on AI and Data Governance.” At this conference, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill, delivered a keynote speech discussing the UN AIAB’s deliberations on international AI governance.


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  • Kuksung Nam
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    Kuksung Nam is a journalist for The Readable. She has extensively traversed the globe to cover the latest stories on the cyber threat landscape and has been producing in-depth stories on security and...

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