Dear Readers, As the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to thank you for your unwavering support of The Readable. Your engagement and encouragement have been the driving force behind our success in 2024. Please note that The Readable will take a brief holiday break from December 23, 2024, to […]
In July, I reported on deepfake crimes and emerging forms of cyberbullying in schools. That article highlighted data from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, which revealed that 63.1% of school violence cases involved cybercrime. These included incidents where deepfake technology was used to create and distribute fake images and videos. Content abuse has been a […]
By Dr. Hwanjo Heo, principal researcher at ETRI With the release of its first spatial computing device, the Vision Pro, Apple is reshaping the metaverse industry, which was previously focused on virtual reality (VR). The company envisions a next-generation computing experience where digital content seamlessly blends with the real world. Meanwhile, Meta, a leader in […]
The South Korean Ministry of National Defense released a seemingly ordinary public statement on January 26. It announced that its Cyber Operations Command had conducted its first cyber exercise in collaboration with its United States counterpart to strengthen their collective defenses against cyber threats. Perhaps due to the statement’s brevity and its dry tone, local […]
“Lousy” was the first word that came to mind after encountering Seoul Press, one of the growing number of Chinese-forged fake news sites targeting South Korea. Although at first glance the websites appeared to be the work of an authentic South Korean news organization, its operators left a trail of breadcrumbs that were enough to […]
The Readable has expanded its readership by publishing quarterly magazines in hard copy. The magazines are distributed only through The Readable’s readership network and are not published online. If you would like to have a copy, please contact us through email at [email protected]. Below is an editor’s note, which was printed on December 6 in […]
By Ajay Khanna, CMO of Mezmo In recent years, many organizations have struggled to manage the increasing volume of data in their systems, particularly for observability and security teams. According to an ESG report, organizations capture hundreds of terabytes (32%) and even petabytes (6%) of data per month. This deluge of data presents dual challenges. […]
About a week ago, the United Kingdom and South Korea jointly announced that they had entered into the Strategic Cyber Partnership and subsequently issued a collective advisory from both nation’s intelligence agencies regarding supply chain attacks from North Korea. This was the first time that the U.K. government published a security recommendation with a nation […]
By Dr. Kang Yousung, Director of Cryptography and Authentication Research Section at ETRI Recently, the view that quantum technology will revolutionize the future has been garnering increased attention. This burgeoning interest has been amplified as three pioneering physicists, lauded for their ground-breaking verification of quantum entanglement, were bestowed with the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. […]
By Mark Stamford, Founder and CEO at OccamSec Updated Aug. 10, 2023 1:48PM GMT-7 As a cybersecurity professional who has conducted numerous risk assessments and penetration tests, I have seen firsthand how vulnerable organizations and individuals remain despite investments in security awareness training. During social engineering assessments, employees at all levels routinely provide account access, […]
By Julien Legrand, Head of Cyber Solutions at Thales A growing number of business and industry leaders are concerned about the onslaught of cyberattacks targeting the operational technology (OT) they rely on for critical operations. According to a 2023 Blackberry research report [1] involving 1,500 manufacturing IT decision-makers worldwide, 40% said they are most concerned […]
In 2011, I came across a vendor on an online second-hand store who was selling a music player that I had been craving for years, the iPod Touch. The price was 100,000 won (almost $80), less than one third of the cost of the original product. The deal was too good to be true for […]
By Vinny Sagar, Solution Architect of swIDch Traditional perimeter-centric network security is based around a well-defined network boundary where all enterprise resources such as devices, file servers, applications, etc. were inside the network and users’ access to the network was strictly controlled. I like to compare traditional perimeter-centric network security to old forts since they […]