Cybersecurity News that Matters

Cybersecurity News that Matters

Arthur Gregory Willers

Arthur Gregory Willers is a copyeditor at The Readable, where he works to make complex cybersecurity news accessible and engaging for readers. With over 20 years in education and publishing, his expertise lies in enhancing document quality and readability. Before joining The Readable, Arthur contributed to various publishers of educational materials, including item writing for standardized testing. He serves as an adjunct professor at Sogang University, enriching educational standards through curriculum design and in teaching various English rhetoric and communication courses. Holding master’s degrees in applied linguistics and English literature, Arthur’s expertise bridges the gap between intricate cybersecurity topics and the magazine’s diverse audience. His commitment to clear, impactful writing makes every article a tool for achieving greater understanding in the digital age.

Arthur Gregory Willers

The Korea Drone Security Association (KDSA) will host a drone hacking competition on December 1 at Kyung Hee University, Seoul. To encourage preparedness in the race to defend drone systems against attacks from malicious actors, the KDSA will host its “Hack the DRONE Festival” this year. The competition will give security experts the opportunity to […]

The spokesperson of South Korea’s ruling party called for the government to form deeper ties with the international community to help address the threat of cyberattacks out of North Korea. Jung Kwang-jae, a representative of the People Power Party, expressed his concerns over recent escalation in illegal cyber activities originating from or facilitated by North […]

South Korea’s chief privacy regulator was designated as one of the members of a newly launched advisory group in the United Nations dedicated to assisting the international community in managing the benefits and risks surrounding artificial intelligence. On Friday, the Personal Information Protection Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a joint statement on […]

South Korean court sides with privacy agency’s decision to fine Meta Platforms Inc. for allowing third parties, including Cambridge Analytica, to access users’ private information without express consent. On Thursday October 26, Seoul Administrative Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by Facebook parent company, Meta, against the South Korean Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) for a […]

As the cyber domain emerges as the next frontier of cooperation among like-minded countries, South Korean experts raised concerns about the possible digital partnership between authoritarian governments including Russia, China, and North Korea. On Wednesday, Doo Jin-ho, a research fellow at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), highlighted the strategic partnership between Russia and […]

South Korea’s cybersecurity research institution is bracing for possible deep funding cuts as the country plans to reform its scientific research budget. According to South Korean lawmaker Ko Min-jung on Tuesday, the National Security Research Institute’s funding for cybersecurity research and development is expected to be 38 billion won ($29 million) next year, a 29% […]

Singapore ― SICW 2023 ― The primary cybersecurity threat currently facing Singaporeans comes from the malicious activities of scammers, the head of Singapore’s cybersecurity agency emphasized on Thursday. David Koh, Commissioner of Cybersecurity and Chief Executive of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), noted that the complexity of fraudulent activities has increased to the […]

Singapore ― SICW 2023 ― Generative artificial intelligence makers should take security into account as the latest technology could pose a significant threat worldwide, the head of the United States cybersecurity agency said Tuesday. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released an updated guideline on software security on October 17, titled “Shifting the […]

Singapore ― SICW 2023 ― Countries need to adopt a multilateral approach to mitigate risks emerging from the latest technologies, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat asserted on Tuesday. Heng, who, in addition to being Deputy Prime Minister, is also Singapore’s coordinating minister for economic policies, spoke at the 8th annual Singapore International Cyber […]

North Korean state-sponsored cyber groups, broadly referred to as the “Lazarus Group,” appear to have recently restructured themselves in an effort to accelerate internal cooperation, according to the cybersecurity firm Mandiant. Enhanced cooperation among the “Lazarus Group” has led to several advantages for the hacking collective, such as improved resource sharing and attributional complexity, warns […]

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