Cybersecurity News that Matters

Cybersecurity News that Matters

Arthur Gregory Willers

Arthur Gregory Willers is a copyeditor at The Readable, where he works to make complex cybersecurity news accessible and engaging for readers. With over 20 years in education and publishing, his expertise lies in enhancing document quality and readability. Before joining The Readable, Arthur contributed to various publishers of educational materials, including item writing for standardized testing. He serves as an adjunct professor at Sogang University, enriching educational standards through curriculum design and in teaching various English rhetoric and communication courses. Holding master’s degrees in applied linguistics and English literature, Arthur’s expertise bridges the gap between intricate cybersecurity topics and the magazine’s diverse audience. His commitment to clear, impactful writing makes every article a tool for achieving greater understanding in the digital age.

Arthur Gregory Willers

A South Korean individual who issued threats online to commit a terrorist act on an airplane has been handed a suspended prison sentence. The court found the defendant guilty, citing the significant waste of police resources and the creation of social unrest triggered by the offense. On February 28, the Suwon District Court delivered a […]

Cover Image of Aircraft terror hoax in South Korea receives justice

Updated Mar. 11, 2024 9:03PM GMT+9 On March 5, the Japanese government directed LY Corporation (Line Yahoo) to sever ties with South Korea’s Naver Cloud Corporation. This decision comes in the wake of a data breach incident. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) pointed to LY’s excessive reliance on Naver Cloud as the […]

Cover Image of Post: Japan directs Line Yahoo to separate from South Korean Naver Cloud

South Korea’s foreign ministry is set to rename the position of one of its high-ranking officials, marking a step in its strategy to bolster its capabilities in the cyber domain. On March 8, multiple local news outlets reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced plans to revise the title of the Ambassador for International […]

Cover Image of Post: South Korea’s foreign ministry to introduce Ambassador for International Cyber Cooperation

Tokyo has been chosen as the location for Google’s inaugural cybersecurity hub, with the goal of strengthening cyber defense capabilities across the entire Asia-Pacific region. On March 7, Google inaugurated a cybersecurity research center within its Tokyo office, as reported by several Japanese news outlets. The center is designed to function as a central hub, […]

Cover Image of Post: Google establishes first Asia-Pacific cyber defense hub in Tokyo

Two South Korean research institutions are set to collaborate with the goal of enhancing the nation’s defense capabilities in space and cybersecurity. On March 5, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) revealed it had signed a letter of intent with the Defense Security Institute (DSI) to facilitate the exchange of research and technology in […]

The United States Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on a network associated with Intellexa Consortium, a Greece-based spyware company. This action comes ahead of the third Summit for Democracy, which is scheduled to take place in the coming weeks. In a press release on Tuesday, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control […]

A counterfeit installer for Notion, a popular collaboration platform boasting over 30 million users globally, has been identified. This fraudulent installer is designed to disseminate malware with the intent of stealing personal data, including cryptocurrency details. On February 27, AhnLab, a cybersecurity firm based in South Korea, identified phishing pages that were distributing malicious files. […]

South Korean authorities are ramping up efforts to combat deepfake videos, recognizing these deceptive materials as a significant threat to the integrity of the country’s general election scheduled for April. The Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) unveiled on Tuesday its adoption of new deepfake detection software, which will be immediately integrated into their investigative processes. […]

By Dain Oh, The ReadableMar. 4, 2024 8:54PM GMT+9 South Korea’s semiconductor industry has become a significant target for North Korean hackers, with two companies recently falling victim to their attacks. It is believed that the hackers, who managed to steal computer chip blueprints and photographs of facilities, are seeking to secure knowledge that would […]

Cover Image of Post: South Korean chip makers targeted by hackers from North, spy agency warns

A South Korean artificial intelligence company reported on Monday that over 190 YouTube channels have allegedly created hundreds of fake news videos about South Korean soccer player Lee Kang-in. These channels reportedly earned approximately 700 million won ($525,000) from their activities. The AI company Pyler reported that after soccer player Lee Kang-in was involved in […]

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