Cybersecurity News that Matters

Cybersecurity News that Matters

Letter from the editor

by Dain Oh

Apr. 21, 2023
12:01 PM GMT+9

The Readable has expanded its readership by publishing quarterly magazines in hard copy. The magazines are distributed only through The Readable’s readership network and are not published online. If you would like to have a copy, please contact us through email. Below is an editor’s note, which was printed on April 14 in the first edition of this year.

“How did you come to cybersecurity?” This is a question that I always get from people. I majored in journalism and became a journalist, just as I had dreamed of ever since I was ten years old (seriously). Over the course of becoming a journalist, cybersecurity, or any kind of security, did not cross my mind in regards to news coverage. This is my eighth year as a journalist, and I have spent more than six years covering the cybersecurity industry.

Let’s get back to the question. People ask me this question because they wonder why someone who appears to have no previous connection to the field has landed in this chaotic universe called cybersecurity. Depending on how much time I have, I answer these questions by repeating the refined version of my personal story as a cybersecurity journalist in a short or a long form. The shortest version of my answer is this: I believed that specialized reporting is the future of journalism.

Cybersecurity was one of the topics that I was exploring after I decided to devote my career to specialized reporting. My first impression of cybersecurity was that it was not very cool, honestly, but it filled me with so much curiosity. The mysterious world of anonymous defenders was overflowing with technical jargon that I had no idea about, but it looked like a worthwhile career path for me to pursue. Moreover, the increased importance of cybersecurity made me think more positively about a professional life as a journalist in this field.

For the last six years, I have met a great number of experts and hackers who have devoted their lives to cybersecurity, reporting around 5,000 news articles so far. Most of my sources have become my friends, except for the ones who tried to abuse my reporting for their own personal gain. I have fallen in love with cybersecurity as much as I love journalism. My professional life consists of these two factors, and they are blended together in a unique way. I think this is why I could come this far.

The Readable is turning one year old this May. It has been an incredible journey for me and my team to launch The Readable and build an international cybersecurity news platform within just one year. I enjoy being amazed every day by looking at the analytic map showing that our readers come from all over the world to check cybersecurity news through our platform. Our vision to deliver quality journalism to cybersecurity leaders worldwide is becoming a reality at a faster pace than we expected.

This magazine contains key news articles that we have published from the fourth quarter of last year to the first quarter of this year. We are primarily a digital media platform but started publishing quarterly magazines for broader readership. We have strived to provide our readers with stories that they do not see anywhere else, along with quality images. We hope you enjoy our results and become a part of our community.


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  • Dain Oh
    : Author

    Dain Oh is a distinguished journalist based in South Korea, recognized for her exceptional contributions to the field. As the founder and editor-in-chief of The Readable, she has demonstrated her expe...

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