Cybersecurity News that Matters

Cybersecurity News that Matters

Chanwoo Yong

Chanwoo Yong is a reporting intern for The Readable. Majoring in cybersecurity at Korea University, Yong has an intense interest in cybercrime and cybercriminals as well as a passion for making cybersecurity and its surrounding issues understandable to the general reader. Yong aspires to become a bridge between cybersecurity experts and the public by translating the experts’ language into layman’s terms the public can understand. Yong has worked as a data engineer for an AI Platform belonging to Korea University Anam Hospital, where he participated in research titled “Deep Learning-Based Prediction Model for Gait Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury.”

Chanwoo Yong

A South Korean individual who issued threats online to commit a terrorist act on an airplane has been handed a suspended prison sentence. The court found the defendant guilty, citing the significant waste of police resources and the creation of social unrest triggered by the offense. On February 28, the Suwon District Court delivered a […]

Cover Image of Aircraft terror hoax in South Korea receives justice

Tokyo has been chosen as the location for Google’s inaugural cybersecurity hub, with the goal of strengthening cyber defense capabilities across the entire Asia-Pacific region. On March 7, Google inaugurated a cybersecurity research center within its Tokyo office, as reported by several Japanese news outlets. The center is designed to function as a central hub, […]

Cover Image of Post: Google establishes first Asia-Pacific cyber defense hub in Tokyo

Two South Korean research institutions are set to collaborate with the goal of enhancing the nation’s defense capabilities in space and cybersecurity. On March 5, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) revealed it had signed a letter of intent with the Defense Security Institute (DSI) to facilitate the exchange of research and technology in […]

A counterfeit installer for Notion, a popular collaboration platform boasting over 30 million users globally, has been identified. This fraudulent installer is designed to disseminate malware with the intent of stealing personal data, including cryptocurrency details. On February 27, AhnLab, a cybersecurity firm based in South Korea, identified phishing pages that were distributing malicious files. […]

By Chanwoo Yong, The ReadableFeb. 29, 2024 9:56PM GMT+9 South Korea’s intelligence agency has partnered with five Southeast Asian countries to tackle drug-related crime. On February 27, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) announced the formation of the “Intelligence Coalition of Asia for Counter-Narcotics.” This new alliance includes intelligence and investigative agencies from the Philippines, Cambodia, […]

Shin Yong-seok, previously the Chief Privacy Officer at Viva Republica, was appointed as the Secretary to the President for Cybersecurity on February 26. Marking a significant departure from tradition, Shin’s appointment represents the first instance of a private sector professional being selected for this role. Since its establishment in March 2015, the position has been […]

A professor from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has been sentenced to two years in prison by an appellate court for leaking core autonomous vehicle technologies to China. This decision, made on February 15, overturns the original sentence which had granted probation. The Daejeon District Court imposed a two-year prison sentence […]

The Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) has called on companies to conduct thorough inspections and strengthen their security measures in response to the recent surge in cyberattacks. In a security advisory released on Tuesday, the agency advised companies to improve their information security by implementing countermeasures to prevent breaches. The advisory highlights that unidentified […]

The Readable reviewed more than 30 reports of cybersecurity predictions, published by vendors and public institutions, and pared them down to five topics: Artificial intelligence, election security, the Paris Olympics, persistent threats, and cyber insurance. Our reporters summarized each topic in approximately 300 words, based on the analysis provided by the original reports. The sources […]

South Korea’s intelligence agency announced on Wednesday that it will thoroughly prepare to prevent North Korean and Chinese cyberattacks from influencing South Korea’s election. On January 24, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) held a briefing at the National Cyber Security Center and stated that North Korea and China were identified as the main axes of […]

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